Polonnaruwa Farm

Polonnaruwa District


  • Province :North Central Province
  • District :Polonnaruwa District
  • Land Distributed :1142.0 Ha
  • Distance to Colombo : 239 km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

Polonnaruwa Farm

The establishment of Thamankaduwa Livestock Development Project in the early 60s which commenced in an un-demarcated extent of 4452 ha. With the opening of the Kandakaduwa farm and followed later by Threekonamaduwa farm the Thamankaduwa Livestock Development Project came into operation. These farms were to supply the liquid milk requirement of the Condensed Milk Factory established in Polonnaruwa in 1967 - 1968 periods. Management of the Thamankaduwa Livestock Development Project was undertaken from Polonnaruwa farm. To achieve the objectives originally envisaged Polonnaruwa farm was developed to house necessary officials and supporting staff of the project. Thamankaduwa Livestock Project was the biggest Livestock Project commenced in the country. The Thamankaduwa Livestock Project encompassed Polonnaruwa, Kandakaduwa – Threekonamaduwa farms. Polonnaruwa farm was established by Rt. Hon. D.S. Senanayake.

Polonnaruwa farm is situated on Welikanda, Kandakaduwa main road 01 km. from Kaduruwela Town. Polonnaruwa farm is popularly known as “Kiri Bothal Deke Govipola”.

Soil and Climate

The soils at Polonnaruwa area belong to the general classification of alluvial soils. The Alluvial soils vary considerably in their fertility characters. These soils are formed on recent water laid deposits in which there is no profile development other than accumulation of some organic matter on the surface. Considerable variation is observed in the texture, depth, drainage and colors of the alluvial soils. Because of the extremely wide range of characteristics exhibited, it is not possible to describe a model profile in respect of these soils. Rice could be grown very successfully.