ManikPalama Farm

Nuwara Eliya District


  • Province :Central Province
  • District :Nuwara Eliya District
  • Distance to Colombo : 153 km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

ManikPalama Farm

The Board decision was taken into 2010 to separate Bopaththalawa Farm into two farms namely Bopaththlawa and Menik Palama for easy to farm management and other activities.

Under the importation of dairy cattle in 2012 /2013, the farm was modified and allocated 1,167 nos of dairy cattle in the breeds of Friesian and Jersey – Friesian crosses imported from Australia.

Soil and Climate

The Farm is situated in the Central Province in Nuwara-Eliya District at an altitude of 1676m. The pH of the soil varies from 4.5 to 5.5. The average rainfall varies from 2500mm to 3800mm, and over 200 to 250 rainy days. The monthly mean temperature is between 18ºC. to 28ºC. and the minimum temperature varies from 8ºC. to 15ºC. Night frost is common in February and March. Humidity is 75%-85% and from May till September severe storm wind and misty weather can be expected.