Kandy District


  • Province :Central Province
  • District : Kandy District
  • Distance to Colombo : 144 km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.


Mid-Country Livestock Development Center (M.L.D.C.) is situated, 7km off Digana town. The center is on a 25ha block of land carved out of Mahaberiatenna Farm in 1982. The required funds were donated by the government of Netherlands. The infrastructure development such as, construction of buildings, purchasing of required equipment, Curricular development, training of the counterpart staff and all the recurrent expenditure of this Organization had been borne by the Netherlands Government, from 1982-1985. The required expertise was also provided by same agency, and the local counter parts assisted in this connection.

Training courses are conducted for farmers, by Government officers involved in crop and stock farming, officers from Non-Government Organizations. The training center conducts one day, three day, five day and mobile training programs. The center also maintains demonstration farms for the benefit of the trainees.

Soil and Climate

The soils of this area belong to Reddish Brown Latosolic soils and immature Brown Loames. The soil reaction is usually moderately acidic. The organic matter and Nitrogen status is medium to low. The Phosphorus status is low, while the Potassium status varies from fairly low to medium. These soils are moderately well supplied in Calcium and Magnesium and have a good cation exchange capacity. The fertility is moderately good. The physical fertility depth, texture and drainage are extremely good. These soils have a good structural stability. The farm is situated at an elevation of approximately 650m and the topography is of flat narrow valleys merging into rolling hills extending to steeper slopes and rugged mountains. The rainfall pattern is quite different to the upcountry areas, receiving a comparatively low precipitation.

Farm Management

  • Assistant Manager:Mrs. Swarna Rajapaksha
  • Contact:Tel: +94773782139