Karandagolla Farm

Kandy District


  • Province :Central Province
  • District :Kandy District
  • Distance to Colombo : 130km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

Kundasale Farm

The total extend of Karandagolla Farm is 20.24 ha. This farm belonged to the Department of Animal Production & Health and it was handed over to the National Livestock Development Board in 1982. Earlier this farm was called Central Poultry Research Station (C.P.R.S.). The CPRS was established in 1960s in order to distribute good quality Cockerels among the poultry Farmers, to upgrade their indigenous birds. At present this farm is maintained as a broiler breeding farm.

Soil and Climate

Karandagolla Farm is situated close to Menikhinna town in Kundasale Electorate on Kandy-Mahiyangana road. Annual rainfall varies from 1500mm to 1800mm. Soil type is Reddish Brown Latosolic and immature brown soils. ph of the soil varies from 6 to 7. Humidity is around 70% to 75%.