Dayagama Farm

Nuwara Eliya District


  • Province :Central Province
  • District : Nuwara Eliya District
  • Distance to Colombo : 158km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

Dayagama Farm

Dayagama Farm was a part of Bopaththalawa Farm and in the year 1968, it was separate to function independently. The farm used to maintain Pure Bred Jersey Cattle to produce milk and breeding materials for country. This farm was managed by the Department of agriculture and later by the Department of Animal Production & Health. In 1992, the Farm was handed over to the National Livestock Development Board. .

Under the importation of dairy cattle in 2013, the farm was modified and allocated 586 nos of dairy cattle in the breed of Jersey imported from Australia.

Soil and Climate

The Farm is situated in the Central Province in Nuwara-Eliya District, at an altitude of 1676m. The average rainfall varies from 1500mm, to 1700mm; and over 100 to 150 rainy days. The monthly mean temperature varies between 18�C to 26�C. Night frost is common in January and February. Humidity 75% to 85% and from May till September severe storm, wind and misty weather can be expected. The soil type is red clay to black cotton clay soil with fair amount of organic matter in the top soil. The pH Range is rather low 4.0 to 5.0 mostly acidic


• To maintain a modern dairy.

• Maintaining a pure bred Jersey cattle and issue breeding material to the dairy farmers.

• To conduct Dairy Management Training Programmes.

• Providing facilities for in-plant training to the undergraduates / Diploma Holders.

Farm Management

  • Acting Manager:Mr. J.Mahindarathne
  • Contact:+94773782132