නිකවැරටිය ගොවිපළ

Kurunegala District

ක්ෂණික තොරතුරු

  • පළාත :වයඹ පළාත
  • දිස්ත්‍රික්කය :කුරුණෑගල
  • කොළඹට ඇති දුර : 93 km

ඇමතුම් තොරතුරු

කරුණාකර තැපැල්, දුරකථන හෝ ෆැක්ස් මගින් අප හා සම්බන්ධ වෙන්න. අපගේ විවෘත වේලාවන් සඳුදා සිට සිකුරාදා දක්වා උදෑසන 8.30 සිට සවස 4.15 දක්වා වේ.

  • ලිපිනයනිකවැරටිය ගොවිපළ, නිකවැරටිය

  • දුරකථන අංකය :+94 372 260 288

  • ෆැක්ස්:+94 372 260 288

  • ඊමේල්: nldbnikaweratiya@gmail.com

  • වෙබ්: www.nldb.gov.lk

Nikaweratiya Farm

Nikaweratiya Farm is relatively large consisting of 734 ha. It is located in an intermediate area between the wet and dry zones, and the farm is 2km from Nikaweratiya town on Kurunegala-Puttalam road. The farm commenced operations in 1983 with the intention of producing draught cattle. Khillari and Kangayans were introduced at that time, while the Hariyanas were introduced much later in 1970 all from India. Jersey Hariyana cross breeding commenced in 1973 by Artificial Insemination using Jersey seman from the Kundasale A.I. Centre. All Kangayans, Khillari, Hariyana and Cross Bred were subsequently sold and pure bred Sahiwal cattle and Nilli Ravi buffaloes were introduced to this farm in 1991, and in 1992 the farm was handed over to the NLDB. Currently this farm maintains Pure Nilli Ravi herd of buffaloes and a Sahiwal herd of cattle, the original stock of which was imported from Pakistan.

Soil and Climate

The rainfall is varying from 1100mm with 60-80 rainy days for the year. The soil commonly available in the high land of farm is of Reddish Brown Earth type. Soil Organic matter level in rich and the farms soil is fertile. Most of the area is suitable for crop cultivation. The soil pH is 5.5-6.


• To maintain a pure bred Nilli Ravi Buffalo herd and to supply breeding material to the farmers.

• To maintain a pure bred Sahiwal & Cross bred cattle to issue heifers to the farmers.

• To manufacture value added milk products.

• To run a Sales Center for selling of farm products and other goods to the public.

• To maintain the circuit bungalow as a profit making unit